37 days of change

Ready For Something Different?

On December 1st, join us in 37 Days—a challenge to step back from the noise and reclaim your time and focus.

What is 37 Days?

For 37 days, we’ll cut out the distractions that hold us back. Together, we’re leaving behind:

  • Non-educational content on TV, YouTube, and other platforms

  • Social media scrolling

  • Video games

  • Inappropriate or Sexual Content

  • Recreational Drugs

  • Alcohol

Why 37?

This challenge started as a tribute by four brothers honoring their uncle Barry Hunt, who passed away at 18. His story reminds us to live fully, and his birthday, March 7th (3/7), inspired these 37 days.It’s our mission to break out of the distractions and live with purpose—and now, it’s yours too.

Join the 37 Days Challenge

Join us on Discord—a free community of people ready to cut the noise and make time for something real.

Join a 37 Days Accountability Group

If you’re all in, the Beta Group offers a greater challenge. For $10, you’ll get:

  • Daily Tips and Lessons to stay on track

  • Accountability Group to keep you focused and motivated

  • Bonus Weekly Challenges to push yourself further

The $10 isn’t just a fee—it’s a commitment to seeing this through. If you’re not ready, then stick to the Discord, no worries.

Why $10?

We spend $10 on stuff that gets us nowhere—a fast-food meal, another video game, some impulse buy.But this $10? It’s a commitment. It’s there to remind you that this time, you’re not just “trying to get better.” You’re putting something down to actually make it happen.